Monday, March 19, 2007

Easter Festivities

Just want to let you all know what's coming for Easter and how you can help.

Here's the schedule:

Good Friday, April 6th:

  • 7:30 p.m. Night of Worship. This will be our first ever Good Friday Service. The night will be a combined service with the Vineta Vineyard church. Our worship team and their worship team will lead us in a night of worship. If you can come help us set up at 6 p.m. That would be awesome.

Easter Morning, April 8th:

  • 9:15 a.m. Free Family Photos

  • 10:00 a.m. Easter Egg Hunt

  • 10:30 a.m. Easter Celebration

How you can help:

  1. Help us stuff 5,000 Easter eggs or hang 3,500 door hangers on Wednesday evening, March 28th. We'll meet at the Barbers for pizza and then launch into preparations.

  2. Donate candy for the eggs. We will need them by this Sunday, March 25th.

  3. Sign up to help Easter morning!

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