Thursday, May 15, 2008

Oaxaca, Mexico Trip

Last week I returned from a five day trip to Oaxaca, Mexico. I went to visit Derek and Lily Paul who moved to Oaxaca 10 months ago with the vision of planting a multi-ethnic church in Oaxaco. The state of Oaxaca has 158 languages and the city of Oaxaca attracts a number of Europeans who retire here. It is a great place to establish a multi-ethnic church.

The trip was filled with great conversations, meeting wonderful people, and enjoying time with Derek & Lily. I was blessed with the opportunity to preach in the church that Derek & Lily have been attending while they settle in and prepare for the church plant. The pastor asked if I would come back and do a week-long conference on outreach for his church and possibly a network of 40 churches that he is a part of. We may look at doing this next year.

Lily is from Oaxaca. Derek is from the states (and happens to be Sandy's cousin). They have a burden to establish a church that not only is multi-ethnic but one that is also free of the legalism in the evangelical church in this part of Mexico. Both elements are needed in this city and Derek & Lily have the passion and gift mix to lead such a church. Usually when church planters go to a new city to establish a work, the first 9 to 12 months is invested in simply settling in and building relationships. This is exactly what Derek & Lily have been doing. Derek is working toward establishing dual citizenship and God provided a fast track to getting his work permit several months ago that has enabled him to teach English in the best English school in the city. This is a great way to build relationships. You can learn more about Derek and Lily at their website: